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Validating MPEG audio elementary stream using MPEG Audio ES Viewer.

This tutorial will show you how to validate an existing MPEG audio elementary stream.

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1. Start off by going to File menu and selecting Open (or simply pressing “Ctrl + O”). In the newly opened window navigate to the file containing the elementary stream that you want to validate.

2. Then open the Tools menu and select Validation.

3. After that the Media Validation form will open. Make sure that the MPEG Audio Validator is checked under the Validation Modules list box. After that press the Start Validation button on the bottom left corner of the form.

Then the validation process will start. You can stop anytime by pressing the Stop Validation button.

4. After the validation process is complete you will have the option to save the generated report to file. You can do so by clicking the Save Report button.

5. You will be asked to choose a file name for the report. Navigate to the folder you wish to contain the file and enter a file name, then click Save.

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mpegaudioesviewer/validate_elementary_stream.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/05 10:16 by administrator

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