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Demultiplexing MPEG program stream to PES (packetized elementary streams) using the MPEG PS Utils.

This tutorial will show you how to demultiplex all the elementary streams from MPEG program stream and save the PES to file.

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1. Start off by going to File menu and selecting Open (or simply pressing “Ctrl + O”). In the newly opened window navigate to the file containing the MPEG program stream that you want to work with.

2. Then open the Tools menu and select Demultiplex To PES.

3. You will be asked to choose a file name for the newly generated file/files. Navigate to the folder you wish to contain the file/files and enter a file name, then click Save. Every PES will be saved to separate file starting by the name you chose then followed by .$XX.$YY, where XX is the substreamID and YY is the streamID in hexadecimal.

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mpegpsutils/demultiplex_to_pes.txt · Last modified: 2013/10/05 10:17 by administrator

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